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Everything posted by dfarmer2001

  1. I have owned many PC's in the past such as HP, Dell, Acer, Chromebooks, etc. For the most part, the majority of the big PC companies offer good computers. However, if I had to choose my favorite type, I would say Acer is my favorite. With Dell and HP, I've noticed that they begin to run extremely slow around six months to a year after purchasing them. However, I have had the same Acer laptop for the past 3 years and it has worked great! I have had no issues with Acer and I can faithfully say that I will continue to use Acer in the future. What is your favorite PC type and why?
  2. I have always been a PlayStation user. My dad has always owned PlayStation consoles, and I would play multiplayer games with him on the PlayStation 2 and 3 many years ago, and I suppose PlayStation just sort of stuck with me. However, I have attempted to play Xbox consoles, but I guess with me being accustomed to PlayStation I just couldn't get the console down pat. With this being said, my favorite console between the two would definitely be PlayStation. What is your favorite console and why?
  3. I will begin by saying that I really enjoy playing Fortnite, it is one of my favorite games. I have played Fortnite ever since it was released back in 2017, and I have nearly every battle pass skin from the start of Fortnite. I like the building feature that the game offers, it's unique and there are no other shooter games that offer this (that I'm aware of). I have made so many online friends from playing Fortnite, and it's a great game to play if you're looking to be social. Do you guys enjoy Fortnite? Why or why not?
  4. My favorite drink would have to be Diet Coke. As I was growing up, my parents would normally always drink Diet Coke, and I would drink what they would buy. Therefore, some people may think I'm crazy for choosing Diet Coke to be my favorite beverage but it's something that I'm accustomed too and was raised on. I really enjoy the fizzy flavor that Diet Cokes have. I will say that I like my Diet Coke's cold, I'm not too fond of them warm or room temperature. What is your favorite drink and why?
  5. Excellent question. I have two streaming services that I really enjoy, Hulu+ and Peacock. I get a prorated discount for both of these since I am a Verizon customer and I pay around $15 per month for both. There are a ton of TV shows and movies to watch on both platforms and it's a really good price for all that is included. If you looking for a streaming service, I would recommend you start out with Peacock and see what they have that may interest you.
  6. I have attempted to use 3rd party controllers for my PlayStation in the past, but the times I have attempted to use these types of controllers I always experience issues. In all honesty, when I use a 3rd party controller, I've noticed that the controller coordination is off on the games I play compared with an official PlayStation controller. Getting a 3rd party controller is basically me attempting to learn the game all over again. I will continue to stick with official gaming controllers.
  7. My favorite video game of 2021 into 2022 would have to be a tie between Call of Duty Vanguard and Fortnite. When I have friends online that are able to play, I normally tend to stick with Fortnite. However, if I don't have anyone to play with then I tend to go with Call of Duty Vanguard Multiplayer. I enjoy first person shooter games and it makes my slow day go by faster.
  8. A couple of years back, I used to not be able to function properly without my morning coffee. However, since I started working from home and finished with college, I can say that I don't normally drink as much coffee. Normally, if I drink anything, I drink Diet Coke. Coffee is great on mornings that I need to quickly wake up, but if I've got plenty of sleep and don't need any pep in my step, then I go without out. Of course, every now and then when I leave the house I may stop by Dunkin' Donuts and grab me an iced coffee, but that's very rare.
  9. Great question! My very first gaming console was the Nintendo 64. I played various games such as Mortal Combat, Donkey Jong, Mario, and various others. Believe it or not, I still own a functional Nintendo 64. I haven't played it in a while, but I may go back to the good old days and attempt to play it again.
  10. I have played various play to earn games. However, most of the games I have played are online gambling games such as Bingo and Solitaire. I spend like $5 and attempt to make more, but most of the time I fail and then I go bankrupt lol. I have deleted all of these games from my device because I tend to overdo it and spend a lot more money than I should.
  11. Hello, My name is Devin, and I am 20 years old. I live in the United States, Tennessee specifically. I own four dogs, and around 20 goats. I love bowling, spending time with friends and family, playing Fortnite, and participating in online discussions. I am glad to be here.
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