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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I have watched all the James Bond movies that have been released over the years but one of them stood out for me as the best and my favourite. It's going to be No Time To Die. Even though James Bond died in it, it was an epic way for him to go out. What's your favourite James Bond Movie?
  2. Are you a Batman fan? There have been different actors who played the role of Batman over the years. If you're to choose your favorite Batman actor across all the Batman movies, who is it going to be? My personal favorite is going to be Christian Bale. He actedThe Dark Knight Trilogy : Batman Begins, The Dark Knight 2008 and The Dark Knight Rises 2012.
  3. There are so many great TV show characters I've seen over the years. If I can think of my favorite TV show character, it's going to be Pedro Pascal the Chilean-American actor. He featured in Game of Thrones as Oberyn Martell and in The Last of Us as Joel Miller.
  4. There are so many TV shows that have been released over the years, which one of them is your favourite so far? Mine is going to be Game of Thrones, Shogun and 24. Let's hear about your favourites.
  5. I haven't played it but have seen a few gameplay stream online and it looks so good. It's beating so much games with its sales. I think it's already smashed the record set by Elden Ring.
  6. My top 5 video games of all time is going to be ; 1. Red Dead Redemption 2 2. The Last of Us Part 1 & 2 3. Baldur's Gate 3 4. Elden Ring 5. The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt
  7. The weather have been good so far here. This is exactly what it's like right now. I think the rest of the day is going to be the same.
  8. I have already watched the 3 episodes that have been out so far. It's quite good but I'm being confused because it seems like there are two Saroun in the show.
  9. Personally, I don't have any favorite. As long as the clothes are good in quality and fits very well, I'm good with it. I have a few Dior, Gucci, Nike and many more.
  10. This always happens whenever the Government wants to silence the public from expressing themselves. This is very bad. This is like how they did with Tiktok in USA.
  11. I love The Joker so much. He's been on my wallpaper for 3 years now. I don't think I'm ever changing it.
  12. Hello everyone! I'm Heatman. I'm very happy to join this community. My hobbies are playing video games, watching movies, TV shows and playing football when I can. I'm looking forward to having fun here.
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