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Everything posted by ZandraJoi

  1. I personally prefer Soft Rock of the 1980’s. Bands like Chicago, REO Speedwagon, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard. The music in the 80’s consisted of big hair bands as well as electronic dance music. I know many artists also utilized synthesizers. The songs I liked consisted of finding & having love, beating the odds in life. I’m not too keen on the newer music. Maybe I’m biased lol & because I grew up with a certain type so anything less is ‘not good enough’. I do like some New Age gentle music & of course my nature sounds. It IS music too lol
  2. While I love the smell of coffee, I was never into the taste of it. Plus, it doesn't help that I can't do caffeine. I become what I call a Hyper Grouch. Bouncing off the walls while biting your head off! Coffee has its place but I can see how people can get used to having their "morning coffee" & even become addicted to that cup. I prefer drinking herbal tea or just plain water.
  3. Nintendo NES is our favorite. To me it’s an oldie but goodie. It has a lot of the games we love to play. Tetris, Dr. Mario. We also found older Atari games that were a big nostalgia for us. Haven't tried the Switch. What do people think of it?
  4. I am not an avid gamer like most so I would say I don't get bored as often. Maybe that is why as well. Because I don't play it all the time, it becomes a nice little reprieve my husband & I do playing games together. Does that work for others as well?
  5. I’ve never tried this before but I’ve always been intrigued at those who do. Do people make good money off of it? What is the normal fee to get a game pass? Is $200 the standard rate?
  6. The Fifth Element. A movie with Bruce Willis from 1997. I always liked him as an actor. I’ve watched it several times. It’s one of those movies that when you happen to see it on TV, you can’t help but watch lol It’s an Action, Sci-Fi type with comedy. Deals with the 4 elements: fire, water, earth, air. I got hooked on the song at the end: Little Light of Love by Eric Serra. Anybody watch this? Did you like it?
  7. Right now it's all snow covered as it's winter but we live on wooded acreage with a wide variety of flora & fauna around. In our Enclosure I call it, where we have a fenced yard to keep our furbabies safe in, I have my flowers I tend to in the warmer months. Also have a bench swing I sit with them while reading. I'm so looking forward to spring lol
  8. I love doing them! I printed out a list so I can remember the codes. Some I have memorized however, the ones I use on a daily basis. I rather press a button on the keyboard. Any way I don't stress my wrists, the better for me! So do you use them? If so, do you have any favorites? I like the one for the degree symbol ° & the cents ¢.
  9. Were you good at it? I remember trying it when it was the rage back then but wasn’t good at it. For those who did try it, what is the key to success? Do you need special shoes? Or is it just being talented? Do people still do it now lol
  10. My very first one was the Atari system when I was young. It was a big deal at that time as video games were not as popular as they are now. My mom & I would play games together after school in the kitchen where the game was hooked up to the TV. Anybody remember Atari? Compared to games now, the graphics aren't the best but they were still enjoyable to play.
  11. Do you prefer to download a game or buy the DVD? We prefer buying the DVD because then we have the physical copy. It’s very useful for when you lose your internet but would still like to pass the time with a game. Plus, from our experience, if the website goes out of business, we still have the copy. Unfortunately, there was one game I TRULY loved. Skip-Bo Castaway Caper. Years ago, when we upgraded our computer, I tried to play it & it wouldn’t play. I emailed customer support but the game was no longer available. I still miss that game lol I did find a place where you can play it online, however, you need to start over from the beginning each & every time. Bummer!
  12. Hello! I'm a happily married housewife who is into eco-friendly, holistic living. I'm an introvert so tend to delve in deeper issues. I look forward to learning & growing with others here! :)
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