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Everything posted by JoyFreak

  1. No, not really. I mean I do sometimes get bored of playing the same game but generally, no. I enjoy gaming. It's fun to switch off and get into a fantasy world. I do enjoy my competitive gaming, Rocket League is up there.
  2. I've never really got an unofficial one so to speak. I always seem to have the official ones that come with the console and they last a very good while if looked after.
  3. Oh yeah I've seen some clips and I love the look of it. It's my kinda game tbh. It's a MMORPG right? If I do get it I would probably get the PC version. I know there was a PS4 version but no idea how much flexible that is. Also, not sure about this but also a mobile version?
  4. They don't really offer that much tbh. I mean I could try the 'leaving' routine but no idea if that would work. They are pretty tight. I'm currently with 3. Yeah, the iPhone X itself is pretty new, I've looked after it and it does its job :)
  5. This is a great feature to attract more members. I must try spread the word so I can collect those coins. Thank you and good luck to everyone :D
  6. Great article. Although I've never really played Diablo, it does look and sound great. I need to pick it up at some point. Do you think it's worth playing the first Diablo before playing the second?
  7. I have a red iPhone 10. A bit outdated and would love to get my hands on the 13 but too expensive atm and my provider doesn't offer anything in my price range. May have to wait a little longer till I can pick it up.
  8. I love the Xbox Game Pass. Having a collection of games from a click of a button is great. The games they are offer for free are excellent, too. Highly recommended to all Xbox users.
  9. Hello everyone. It's JoyFreak here. Just found out about this great-looking eSports forum and I must admit, I'm loving it so far. The theme looks great. Hoping to stick around :)
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