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Everything posted by mOB

  1. https://news.microsoft.com/2022/01/18/microsoft-to-acquire-activision-blizzard-to-bring-the-joy-and-community-of-gaming-to-everyone-across-every-device/ Wow, now this is really big news for the gaming industry. Microsoft did acquire Activision Blizzard for nearly 70 Billion dollars. Do you think this big move will be positive for Blizzard?
  2. That's right, even if you are playing using your friend's shared details, you can play with other friends. But still, sharing a game only has the purpose of "liking the game and thus buying it yourself" :P Yeah. I've tried for instance Rust (in computer) on steam, and I liked it so much I purchased it. Thing is the game was €35 and I wanted to try it out first before buying it (even if I can refund it, it's a step that I wouldn't like to do if I can avoid it)
  3. Never heard of it. Will probably check it on YouTube to see some videos. Do you know any streamer that streams this and is good enough to see how it works? :)
  4. Unfortunately they've got some problems with NiP back on the days, and I guess that's one of the big reasons of why they went to Dignitas (which, correct me if I'm wrong, they also own a part of the team). GeT_RighT also streams for dignitas (he is a legend, f0rest and GtR are probably best pair of players ever in CSGO). But yeah, they need to get back to the tier 1 teams!
  5. I do for both reasons to be honest When I have to work on mornings, coffee helps me active. But I also drink coffee when I'm chilling out with friends, I like the taste too much!
  6. mOB


    Yes, if I'm playing some game in English I usually put the subtitles on as well just in case I fail to understand everything, as a back up.
  7. My favourite was N64. As I'm now much into computer I didn't tried switch, but it seems like the feedback is extremely good.
  8. Featuring a new article in eprotv, I'll leave this topic for any feedbacks (although you can do them in the article itself):
  9. The 33-year old will remain with the team for a third year. Coming up this 2022, F0rest (33 years old) and friberg (30 years old) have extended their contract in Dignitas for another year, so they will have to compete the whole 2022 in their team. The ex-NiP players have commited for another year in Dignitas - good news; F0rest is still in a great perfomance level, even though he's now 33 years old and a lot of people were questioning if he should retire or keep competing. Of course, he is still in the highest level-perfomance so it makes sense this extension of contract. F0rest were 8 years in NiP team, and he signed up for Dignitas two years ago, in January 2020; so he will be another year in Dignitas, looking to win his second Major trophy, as he has already won the ESL One Cologne 2014 playing along with NiP side. During f0rest's two years at Dignitas, the squad struggled to achieve any international success, only managing to take a few trophies from regional tournaments such as Nordic Masters Spring 2021. Despite this, the veteran has managed to retain a 1.09 rating throughout his stay in the squad.
  10. Oh yeah, it’s this time of the year again. We hope every single one of you have a great start of a year, and that you take care and enjoy the most possible with your family. From eprotv we wish you a happy New Year 2022
  11. Simple as that! For me my favorite TV shows are: 24 Hawaii 5.0 Lost Prison Break Will not really put more as of now, because those four are most likely my top 4. What about yours?
  12. Last one I've watched was Love Actually, yesterday haha
  13. Hello! Thanks for the suggestion - you're right, the videos were occupying the whole page, as it had "unlimited" size (the limit was the screen's resolution, never higher). Now I have adjusted the size so all the users will experience a better navigation, as it has a fixed limit now. Do you like it now? Example:
  14. Interesting! I had no doubt that Shox would hire for a team soon (especially with having Katowice around March). Shox is a really experienced CSGO player and a great entry player. Now let's see, as there's a lot of competitors in the team (which are now inactive, but may go active again). He will have to prove with his new team - but hopefully they will adapt well and compete for the top teams! I'll add this to the article section, thank you again!
  15. Exactly; I'm trying to give the Forum Coins a value - so this would encourage the people to contribute to the site and to post. Hopefully within time I'll make more funny features that will be using the Coins feature, so you will want to obtain more by posting
  16. Turns out that the iPhone 13 Pro I've gifted to my mum is increible! It goes really smoothly, and she liked it a lot. Highly recommended purchase!
  17. Exactly! And not only that, but you can share your library with "family" - you can configure in steam to share games with another player, as long as you are not playing he will be able to test the games. This is extremely useful, because if you are having second thoughts in buying a game or not, and a friend of yours have that game, you can ask him (if you are in trust with him) to share it with you so you can test it while he's offline. Yeah, Epic is trying to promote their platform (they're doing this for years) by offering free games weekly and nice deals. Worst thing is that you cannot play with other platform players who also own that game. The easiest example is GTA V, it's available in both Steam and Epic, but Steam players play with Steam players, and Epic with Epic. You cannot do cross-platform plays.
  18. Just for your info, I've just purchased the Apple One which includes Apple TV. It seems like most of the "included movies/TV shows" are Originals from Apple. If you want to watch another different movie, etc, you will have to pay an extra amount (for buying/renting it). While I have not research a lot as it's been just 24 hours since I do have the subscription, it's not bad to be honest. The suscription is €20/month (I'm with another 5 members, so that's 3,33€/m for me) and it includes: 200GB iCloud, Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade (I didn't test yet).
  19. Hello again! We've released a new logo design. Please take a look at: Thank you
  20. Username changes are possible by purchasing them on the Shop located here: https://eprotv.org/membersshop/view/1-change-username/ It costs 500, and you can use it straight away or simply store it for the future. Let me know if you still have any questions!
  21. Hey @tRv56! Thanks for the input. I am already working in doing changes to the logo so it's well visible in both of our styles. Hopefully it will be fixed and improved soon enough. Please be patient
  22. ESL Counter-strike has announced previously this week in Twitter the full team list for IEM Katowice play-in stage. We can see some epic team names such as NiP, fnatic, or even Astralis - but we also see new faces there, such as entropiqteam or ogcs. Below we leave you the Twitter where ESL Counter-strike confirms all the teams participating in the play-in stage:
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