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We are looking for staff


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We are currently looking for staff members who would like to contribute our community. There will be few staff groups available, and some of them will have rewards in terms of Forum Coins.

Current available staff groups:

· Moderator: simple and plain. We need a global Moderator for our forums and website (also moderates articles entrances, and comments). Your main goal will be to take actions against everything that is against Our Official Site Rules and Policies , such as close / move the topics, and also warning users if that's required.

Moderators have a special section in the forum where you'll be talking with the Administration everything related to their duties. Everything is internal and other users cannot see what we talk there.


· Members Pro: we currently need members who help us sharing articles, or maybe making their own articles. You don't need to write from scratch an article and post it in the main Eprotv Articles, but maybe help us by posting in the different forums the news by sharing other articles, so this will help us a lot into writing an article based on the topic and start it in the Eprotv Articles.

We also need users who help us in giving us good suggestions that would make the Website even stronger. Users who bring us ideas to advertise our site, or even users who help us promote our site.

Members Pro will also have a special section in the forum where both the Administrator and the Moderators will be able to see and to share feedback. We are a team, and as such we also will have an internal section to share all our thoughts between us.

Members Pro will be able to moderate the following sections: General Help, Say Hi


Both of the staff groups will have rewards in terms of Forum Coins depending on how much you help the site. While I cannot share some standard value now, we will have some information in the sections of these staff members to clarify this a little bit more.

In any event, take into account that if you want to be in these staff groups is because you want to help us and colaborate to improve the site. Getting rewards are always secondary.


If you want to fill in the team, you can post in this topic or PM vans about this. Take into account that before promoting anyone, we need that you are active in the forums and see some kind of interest in being with us in this project.

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