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Referral system - Earn Forum Coins!

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  • Head Administrator

Hello everyone!

I open up this topic to present a new feature in which you will earn Forum Coins for inviting your friends to this website. It's really easy to do, and I will explain it step by step. You will earn 10 Forum Coins for each user that you bring to the community. Plain and simple, after the user's registration you will automatically earn that amount.

How can we do this? Here's the explanation step by step:

1. Invite your friend to eprotv, and tell them to click in Sign Up to registrer an account



2. Tell your friend to click in "Choose Member(s)..." when he's signing up.



3. Lastly, and most important, a new field will appear named "Referrer". Your friend will simply have to write your user account, and voilá.




Unfortunately, we do not currently have a referral link which automatically fills the field as of yet, so it has to be manual. This feature is automated, which means that once your friend is registred under your account's name by writing your username in the field, you will automatically receive 10 Forum Coins, and it will be logged in our system.

Now, we understand that problems exist! If your friend forgets to write your account name in the field, you will not receive any Forum Coins. However, if your friend reports this to us, we will manually add the Forum Coins that belongs to you!

My Friend forgot to write my account name, can I do something to redeem the 10 Forum Coins? Yes! :

  • Tell your friend to post in this topic stating that he forgot to add your username in his registration. Of course, he must tell the referral's username account so I can manually add the Forum Coins to you!
  • If you want to remain this private, tell your friend to send a private message to ( vans s01.gif.fc25b671eeac5539b7ecb342d84bced7.gif ) explaining the situation and remember that he must state your username to manually add the Forum Coins!

We also keep track of all users. While this system does not have any requeriments of activity, we would really like to have active users. That being said, if your referrals remain active, we will award you with more Forum Coins in a future. However, this will remain private and it's up to Eprotv staff to decide when it's proper to award such extra-gift.

This topic will remain opened in case you want to give any feedback, or if you have any question, or if you have any problem, like the ones stated above.


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