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  1. I have both new gen consoles but PlayStation will always be my main console. I just like everything about it. The only reason I got the Xbox was for some of the exclusives it has like Flight Sim, Forza etc.
  2. Talking about Axie Infinity, if anyone is interested, there are some scholarship programmes out there. You can basically get sponsored by someone so you don't have to buy the things required to play the game but you obviously have to split the profits after that.
  3. It wasn't too bad at the start, to be honest because it seemed like a battle royale so people of all ages could enjoy it. But yeah, it has turned into a bit of a kids now but I'm sure they're making even more money because of that.
  4. I would go for coke too. It's just such a versatile drink and you can almost enjoy it at any time of the day. I don't really mind if it's the diet or the regular version either. Both are pretty good.
  5. Loved it at the start. Unfortunately, it changed a bit too much so I fell out of love with it. I haven't played it for a long time and I just can't see myself trying it out again.
  6. Played it from time to time when I was younger. It's a lot better now and has some amazing games. My younger sister loves it but it's not for me.
  7. I tried it a very long time ago on the Xbox 360. Didn't like it so didn't touch it much. My younger sister plays it and honestly it just isn't for me. Looks very boring to me, to be honest.
  8. I use some of the basic ones to just save a bit of time. Things like cut, copy, paste, save, new and even print. Almost forgot about selecting everything as well which is quite useful.
  9. Sometimes you really do need it though for a bit of energy especially when you're staying up late working. It's even better for when you have to wake up early and just don't have the energy to do so.
  10. Never tried it and I honestly wouldn't bother with them. The rates are too low and you would need to play way too much to make even a tiny bit of money. Axie Infinity is the one I have heard of but the start up cost is just absurd really.
  11. I prefer the physical copy because I just like having the box for the game especially since there are still a few games where you can get some added bonuses like Rockstar does with GTA and RDR. It's not much but getting the map for the game is quite cool. Always help with games you're not sure about since you can just return it.
  12. This is the first time that I am hearing about it. Did a quick Google search and it looks pretty interesting. Was surprised to see that it's still in early access considering it came out in 2018 though. I'll probably watch a few videos on YT to see what it is like.
  13. Xbox obviously has the Xbox Game Pass. But has anyone here tried out PlayStation Now? And if so, what do you think about it?
  14. A big move and one that definitely surprised a few people. Slightly nervous about what this means for Activision games on PlayStation in the future especially Call of Duty. I can imagine them becoming exclusives once the current deals expire.
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