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About bdev

  • Birthday 03/03/2003

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  1. Eprotv wishes you a happy new year!!! We appreciate how much you all have supported us, lets dedicated this year to grow our website and make this an active community. You are more powerful than you think! Regards, Bdev & MOB
  2. I voted FYi
  3. bdev


    Welcome @Rain Traffic, say Hi!
  4. Moderator Applications Send your applications to @mOB in private messages only. You must be able to moderate at least 2-4 hours a week, You must be a member for at least 1 month, and you must be at least 16 Years Old. Moderator Applications are currently, OPEN! Apply Today! - Why should you be moderator? - What is your timezone and country? - What would you improve about our site? - What interests you about the site? - If anyone would recommend you for moderator, who would it be? - What are your Hobbies? If you have any questions before applying, please ask!
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