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  1. Hi there! enjoy, hope to see ya!
  2. hello there man!
  3. i always loved to have physical games, so i'll go with buy
  4. for me its Messi!
  5. in my opinion... NO!
  6. Mine is Novak Djokovic, he's awesome and a winner. Which is your favourite one?
  7. Raining over here!
  8. I don't like Samsung brand at all, but gotta say that the design of that one is not bad
  9. Those changes are pretty cool! great!
  10. Hey, seems like images are broken! we cannot see the topic at all
  11. Maybe we can also add an Entertainment Room in the off topic area, and split into General Chat Entertainment Room Tech about the gaming one, not sure yet what would be best
  12. Epro Coins would be EC's Epro Points would be EP'S maybe EC's are better? :)
  13. woha, crazy that this can happen. hope brazilians get their right to the free speech
  14. thats crazy! ia will dominate more than we think
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