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Everything posted by mOB

  1. Hopefully I'm purchasing a new computer soon. Will update here all the specs once I get it and if I finally do.
  2. Enjoying so far the app. Works perfectly - although some changes are needed.
  3. Any one watched this CS2 tournament recently? Didn't really like that the french people won, although based in the finals, they quite deserve it.
  4. Seems like Epro Points is the winner so far
  5. Happy New Year every one!
  6. Any more thoughts on this?
  7. Seems like it was Rodrigo! Unexpected, to be honest.
  8. Yes! Tomorrow I’ll add the article in the main web. https://x.com/kickstreaming/status/1854031601056748009
  9. I have this MacBook Pro 13’ from 2015, and it’s going pretty slow as of now, i think it’s life is about to end Do you guys recommend me upgrading into a new one?
  10. Absolutely fascinating race for the latest months. What do you guys think about that?
  11. Sunny day! It's awesome being in November and that we have such a fantastic day.
  12. mOB


    Welcome to eprotv @Rain Traffic
  13. Morning everyone! how's your day going?
  14. Welcome to Eprotv, @uptrendfinancialsignal! See you around
  15. I'll go for Hera! https://www.youtube.com/@HeraAgeofEmpires2
  16. Mine is Jack Bauer, from TV show 24.
  17. With out any doubts, What Ricci said!
  18. mOB

    iPhone 16 New Leak

    They have already launched the new iPhone!
  19. Thanks! If you guys have more suggestions, feel free to open a new topic. Will be closing this one
  20. I think i’d go with Lebron James.
  21. This is correct. Popular are those topics who have 3 messages in less than 24 hours - that number (3 messages) will increase when the forum gets more users. From now, we will start with that number. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to simply "switch" and add in the website the "Latest Topics", and in the forum the "Popular Topics", so that would make people engage even more. I'll let this idea run for a bit so everyone have the chance to give their opinion about this.
  22. I will add now a Poll regarding the "Forum Coins" name. Feel free to vote properly.
  23. Morning everyone! Hope you have a great Sunday!
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